'Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment till it becomes a memory'.
The bonding that happens collectively between us when we meet as “Just Ladies”, Be it coffee mornings, soirees or the Ladies Club. We love the connections we make when we’re just us and we love our exclusive girl-time luxury. So, on the 20th of January, one pleasant yet wintry, Misty Friday evening, ladies dressed in their resplendent sarees alighted the buses at the NDC. Their first peek into how and where the husbands spend their days. It was with awe that they looked around familiarising themselves with the lawns, the impressive foyer, the colonial and majestic building, etc. The birds of a feather, we can’t say yet but surely the birds that were familiar flocked together for the first bit, as the hesitation of treading into unknown waters was still rife. As they all walked in, they were greeted by a wonderfully warm and welcoming fraternity of the lady wives of the Faculty and the Staff of NDC, ably spearheaded by Mrs. Nandini Dahiya.
Once the welcome drink was over, the ladies found themselves being ushered into the Kautilya Hall for the official welcome address and formal introduction by all the ladies. The ladies of the Faculty and staff welcomed the ladies, following which each of the ladies whose husbands were attending NDC 63 introduced themselves. They were rechristened Rakshikas 63. The entire year calendar was explained so well, to enable the ladies to map out their busy days and free days to plan effectively.
Thereafter, the work of various committees was discussed and the volunteers and coordinators were announced. That set the ball rolling and the buzz began. Over a sumptuous spread of teatime treats and a steaming cuppa, there was suddenly, an informal, incessant chatter which completely defines the bevy of beauties. The exchange of numbers, creation of WhatsApp groups, planning the year ahead together and so on, the course for the spouses had just begun and each one was filled with anticipation towards the fun which will unfurl on the road less travelled!
Thereafter, the ladies were ushered through the beautiful rear lawn of NDC, which was a bit overwhelming with the ceremonial national flags of friendly nations mounted atop the entire building. As the evening unfurled, the Faculty and Staff ladies welcomed the ladies for the evening High tea at the Hunt Lounge and Anchor Bar. It was a reassuring and comfortable experience. The aura got further warmed up with the confident and easy-going welcome by Mrs. Dahiya which alleviated all apprehensions and set the mood for a fun evening.
One could see the transformation within this couple of hours in the comfort level acquired and the anticipation of the fun which had just begun. I couldn’t help but marvel as the words of Roald Dahl rung so true in my ears- “There are no strangers in here, just friends you haven’t met.”
Here we are ---The 63 -- into this year that promises to be exciting and exhilarating!
2023 heralded the arrival of NDC 63 to the National Defence College. Kick-starting the Social Calendar was the Ice Breaking Party on 06 January, a typical Delhi winter evening day greeted throughout by a nice evening chill, providing a perfect setting to the occasion. And, come the evening, adding to the already beautiful setting! Indeed, NDC had spread its warm embrace to welcome the course. The College looked royal and resplendent from the foyer to flower beds in the canopied lawn. As the gentlemen and ladies made their way through the immaculate lobby to be greeted by the faculty and staff, the uppermost feelings were of deep joy to be there in the coveted precincts and the eagerness to meet friends- old and new, especially our guests from friendly foreign countries. The evening unfolded with polite introductions and courtesies all round, to be soon replaced by jovial laughter, to the accompaniment of delightful snacks and starters. Soon enough, the foot-tapping music and the pull of the dance floor prompted whatever inhibitions were there to be shed – the ice had well and truly been broken and melted! Going by the energy one saw and was part of, and a peek at the singing talent among course members, one thing seemed apparent – the Course it seemed sure was going to glitter and shine! And like all good things, the evening ended just when the DIL mange more but the flavour lingered on... all thanks to the considerate planning and warm hospitality of the College faculty and staff.